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Cleaning Prints

Once you have successfully printed an object, you may need to clean the print.

Before removing the plastic or cleaning the print, be sure to put on safety equipment and personal protective gear. Plastic shrapnel can tend to snap off at unexpected angles, and can be quite sharp or harmful, especially if it strikes such areas as the eye. Remember, safety comes first.

For smaller jobs, you may just be able to pull the "raft" off the bottom of the print, or to gently snap the bridging off. Be careful in doing so, as being to rough can mean breaking the model as well.

For prints that have residue or unwanted fixtures on them that refuses to come off, there are tools available. I personally prefer to use a file and slowly remove the parts or to simply use the file as leverage. Other options include using knives or scalpels to cut away the residue. Items are normally locked in the drawers and only accessible and usable by SCIL staff or workstudy. If you require a tool, be sure to ask one such member.

Be sure to also clean your area once finished. A dampened shop rag will typically do the trick. All scrap and spare plastic debris should be disposed of properly in a trash bin.