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Simple XR Rig

A lot has changed from the original version of this page. Below, I have linked the first article but you must follow all the chapters. These include:

  • Introduction to the XR system in Godot
  • Prerequisites for XR in Godot 4
  • OpenXR
  • Setting up the XR scene

Setting up XR (4.2 branch)

A caution on articles you will find in the documentation:

You may find the following two articles: Introduction to XR Tools and Basic XR Locomotion. These articles are valid but I would caution against using them and consider designing your own implementation and use these articles for reference only. If you have completed work in Unreal for things like teleportation, you will find there is a cross-over on making this work in Godot/Unity/etc. by translating the nodes into the APIs in the newer engine. I (Wes) am happy to assist.