Camera Settings: the Mode Dial and Still Images vs. Video
Mode Dial
SCiL's Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR has a mode dial, located on the upper left of the camera chassis. The mode dial allows you to choose which mode the camera will operate in. The available modes are:
- C1, C2, and C3: user defined presets
- B: Bulb mode (the shutter remains open as long as the shutter button is held down)
- M: Manual mode (photographer controls all settings)
- Av: Aperture Priority mode (set the aperture; other settings are set automatically)
- Tv: Shutter Priority mode (set the shutter speed; other settings are set automatically)
- P: Program AE mode (aperture and shutter are set automatically based on brightness)
- [A+]: Scene Intelligent Auto mode (fully automatic mode)
Which mode should you use? That will depend on what you are trying to accomplish.