Camera Settings: the Mode Dial and Still Images vs. Video
Mode Dial
SCiL's Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR has a mode dial, located on the upper left of the camera chassis. The mode dial allows you to choose which mode the camera will operate in. The available modes are:
- C1, C2, and C3: user defined presets
- B: Bulb mode (the shutter remains open as long as the shutter button is held down)
- M: Manual mode (photographer controls all settings)
- Av: Aperture Priority mode (set the aperture; other settings are set automatically)
- Tv: Shutter Priority mode (set the shutter speed; other settings are set automatically)
- P: Program AE mode (aperture and shutter are set automatically based on brightness)
- [A+]: Scene Intelligent Auto mode (fully automatic mode)
Which mode should you use? That will depend on what you are trying to accomplish. However, some modes are more commonly used than others. The modes you are most likely to use are:
- M (manual mode). Professional photographers and filmmakers will usually prefer to have complete control over the camera and all of its settings.
- Av (aperture priority). Sometimes, it may be convenient to set the aperture and allow the camera to automatically handle other settings. This may be useful when