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Network Drives


For now, you must be connected to our local WiFi, NETGEAR72-x. The password is on the top left corner of the main whiteboard in the lab. In the future, the network drives will be moved to a more stable home when we move to the HIVE. Connecting to 1SU will NOT allow access! If you need help, see Wes.

Changing Password:

Open a web browser and visit Login with your username and password. Ignore administrative warning. Change password by selecting your username in the top right of the page.



Open a finder window

Select drive and select button “Connect As”

Enter username and password


Open an explorer window

Select Computer/Map Network Drive

For folder: \\scil-student\username

Check “Connect using different credentials”

Login with username and password


If you need help, see Wes at SCiL, or send an email:

If you need additional storage, contact SCiL staff.