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Getting Started with Unreal

Getting Started (with Unreal!)

Below is are two tutorials on how to set up a basic scene in Unreal. It's recommended for beginners to follow these guides to get familiar with the engine. After following the first tutorial, you'll notice your sky is black (and eerie) where previous Unreal guides featured a beautiful sky. The second guide shows how to add a sky using the Sky Atmosphere Component.

Understanding the basics

Level Designer Quick Start in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation

Sky Atmosphere Component


Where do I go from here?

This is a guide to get familiar with using Unreal, HOWEVER, it is NOT VR FRIENDLY! For example, the sky creation is usually substituted with a sphere mesh and panoramic sky image, and real time lighting is taken under heavy consideration.

Building for VR? Start with a new project and begin some of the other guides listed here. SCiL staff/workstudies are available for assistance or clarification.