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Getting Started


It is important you have gone through basics, such as setting up an XR Rig, teleport locomotion, and basic grab. These blueprints will be replaced with VRE blueprints. One important reason for going through the previous guides here in the wiki is I cover the new Enhanced Input System, which the guides below cover the OLD input system!

You must take into account new engine features and enhancements and not simply "blindly" follow a tutorial.


Tutorial Videos

1. can be watched and it covers a lot of conceptual info on the plugin. You shouldn't need to reproduce anything here if you already installed the plugin.

2. Skip (outdated)

3. This is the core, bread and butter of getting started!

4. Movement modes: The author of the YouTube channel covers his implementation of Smooth and Teleport locomotion. It's worth a look to see how other developers accomplish this task, however, SCiL generally uses implementations from other resources. The crouching and climbing work well though from students who have followed those guides in the past.

5. If you followed item 3 above, you should be set to start creating interactions and these guides go deeper into how to use these components.

Where do I go from here?

The YouTuber, VR Playground, is one of my favorite Unreal channels. He dives into a lot of interesting VR interactions, even beyond the expansion plugin!