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Equipment Maintenance

Upon completion of your performance capture session, it is crucial to follow best practices for equipment maintenance and organization. Properly turning off all devices and ensuring they are charging will prolong their life span and prepare them for future use.

  • Glove Removal: Begin by assisting the actor in removing the gloves. It is recommended that the actor does not attempt this task independently. Once the gloves are removed, return the fingertip covers to their respective bags and place the gloves in the charging station, ensuring they are plugged in for recharging.
  • Vive Tracker Removal: Next, aid the actor in removing the eight Vive trackers. Ensure that all eight trackers are returned to the charging station and correctly plugged in for recharging.
  • Power Down Equipment: Proceed by turning off the surge protector power strip that was initially activated. This action will switch off the LED lights and lighthouses.

Once these steps are completed, all hardware has been taken care of and prepared for the next session.

For the software component:

  • Close Software: Exit out of the MANUS Core program, making certain that you have saved all data and finalized all tasks prior to shutting down the PC completely.
  • Lastly, ensure that the computer and Motion Capture (MOCAP) workspace is clean and free from trash or miscellaneous items that might cause clutter or obstruction. Maintaining an organized work environment is critical for efficient operation.