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Ambisonic Equipment

Ambisonic Equipment is accessible through SCiL and through Prof.Spice at Ohrstrom Bryant Theatre.  Should SCiL want to record audio to be converted into AmbiX format and used in a VR project, this page will go over the equipment used in ambisonic production.

GoPro Max


All GoPros can be signed out on a clipboard.  You must ask a SCiL Lab Employee or SCil Faculty member to check out GoPros and the accessories that come with one.  When you turn it on, you simply make sure your set to record a video in 360 format, then hit the record button at the top.  

Afterwards, you can either connect the GoPro to your computer via USB, or can take out the SD card and plug it into an SD card reader to download onto your own storage device. (SD card readers are in the SCil Lab)


When you are recording with the Gopro, keep in mind which direction it is facing and do the same for your ambisonic mic.  This information will prove important when you go to import your ambisonic audio into the video and want it to be properly spatialized.  

4-Channel Mic


This mic will record ambisonics in A-Format, which can be converted into B-Format post-production.  (See Ambisonic Plug-ins page for more information.)