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Learn about recording with the iso booth, sound engines, DAWs, and more!

Lab Audio Equipment

Audio equipment owned by SCiL is listed here.

Using The Iso Booth

Recording? Composing? Editing? Here is a deeper dive into how you can get started doing this wit...

Ambisonic Audio

If you're looking into recording and processing surround sound audio, be it for a VR project or s...

Post Production Audio Editing

So you've recorded something or acquired audio from somewhere, though it needs touching up. In t...

SFX Resources and Conversion Tools

This page provides a list of resources for acquiring audio files without needing money.  Should y...

Wwise: Getting Started

Wwise is a sound-authoring middleware with an intuitive interface for audio engineers. It can in...

Wwise Tutorials

If you're familiar enough with the "Wwise: Getting Started" chapter, it's time to learn ways this...